Argaman Team

Dr. Ronen Shoval

Director, Argaman Institute
Dean of Herut- The Center for Israeli Liberty

Tom Ziv

Deputy Director, Argaman Institute

Matanel Bareli

Research Fellow
TA for the Herzl Program

Matanel Bareli

Research Fellow
TA for the Herzl Program

Dr. Ronen Shoval

Director, Argaman Institute
Dean of Herut- The Center for Israeli Liberty

Tom Ziv

Deputy Director, Argaman Institute

Yuval Siman-Tov

Coordinator, Churchill Program

Dr. Gideon Chazan

Director, Jerusalem Exodus Program

Dr. Sagi Barmak

Director, Adam Smith Program

Dr. Rafael Ben Levy

Director, Churchill Program

Daniel Bortnovsky

Coordinator, Programs and Community

Research Fellows

Dr. Noga Bing

Scholar, Chassidut and Contemporary Charedism

Oriyah Mevorach

Doctoral Student, Gender

Academic Council

Professor (Emeritus) Ruth Wisse

Martin Peretz Professor (emeritus) for Yiddish and Comparative Literature at Harvard University. Today, Wisse is a senior research fellow at the Tikvah Fund.
Wisse has published a number of works of literary scholarship, including The Modern Jewish Canon: A Journey Through Language and Culture (2003) and A Little Love in Big Manhattan (1988). She also edited the fictional memoirs of Yaakov Glatstein entitled The Glatstein Chronicles (2010).
Professor Wisse is also the author of two books of political scholarship – If I Am Not for Myself: The Liberal Betrayal of the Jews (1992) and Jews and Power (2007). Her latest book No Joke: Making Jewish Humor (2013), was published as part of the Tikvah Fund’s “Jewish Ideas Library” in collaboration with Princeton University.

Dr. Samuel Gregg

Director of Research at the Acton Institute. Dr. Gregg writes and lectures a great deal on questions of political economy, economic history, ethics and finances, and the doctrine of natural law. He has an MA from Melbourne University and a PhD in Moral Philosophy and Political Economy from the University of Oxford.
Dr. Gregg is the author of 13 books. Two of them were candidates for Conservative Book of the Year, and many of his books and articles have been translated into a variety of languages. He was elected as a member of the Royal Historical Society in 2001, the Mont Pelerin Society in 2004, and the Philadelphia Society and the Royal Economic Society in 2008. He served as President of the Philadelphia Society in 2019-2020

Professor Michael Winograd

Scholar of Jewish Literature and Culture in the Modern Age. Teaches modern Jewish Literature and Israeli Literature, and lectures on the Jewish experience in the United States among many other topics. Regular author for the National Book Review, Mosaic, as well as a variety of literary and academic journals. He was a Fullbright scholar at Hebrew University in Jerusalem, a Montague Burton Jewish Studies research fellow at Leeds University, and a Harry Starr fellow at the Jewish Studies Center at Harvard University.

Professor Shmuel Trigano

Professor (emeritus) for the Sociology of Religion, the Sociology of Knowledge, and the Sociology of Politics at the Sorbonne. Founder of the Popular University for Jewish Studies and founder of the journals Pardes and Controversia. Leading scholar in the fields of Jewish Political Philosophy and Theology. Founder and head of the Jewish World Observatory in Paris. Author and editor of some 40 books in the fields of social science, sociology, and political philosophy, including The Holocaust Test of the Democratic Ideal (2010), Auschwitz Borders (2016), and The Jewish State (2020).

Dr. Ofir Haivry

Deputy President of the Herzl Institute. Co-founder of the Shalem Institute and the journal Azure, and also former Chief Editor of Azure. His book John Selden and the Western Political Tradition was published by Cambridge University. A member of the Council on Higher Education, the Archaeological Council, and a member of the Steering Committee for Advancing Academic Cooperation between Israel and Italy. He has written articles for numerous publications, including Azure, Yediot Acharonot, Haaretz, and Limes – a Journal on Geopolitics [Italian].